Mullets are flavor some fishes that are well priced and widely available.Bake, grill or smoke mullets with rich flavours for best results, or use them to produce a tasty finfish pâté. Marinate with grilled fennel, bake with mushrooms or grill with oranges. Try them baked, wrapped in oiled brown paper. When the paper starts to crisp, peel and flake into large pieces. Toss in balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing and use it to crown a bed of rough-chopped, garden-fresh vegetables. Other appropriate ingredients to complement the strong flavour of mullet include onion, garlic and tomato. For a treat, try mullet stuffed with wild rice, dried currants and pine nuts and baked in a chunky tomato salsa. Feseekh is a food from Egypt that is made from salted, dried and pickled mullet. It is a good idea to deep skin mullet, removing amounts of oil and red muscle, to give a uniform flavour.While mullet is commonly eaten, it is not an easy fish to keep. It can be kept on ice for up to 72 hours. After that it is almost worthless. The sooner it is eaten, after being caught, the better taste you get
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